
Résumés are a quick and effective tool to summarize your education, 的优势, background, 个人信息.  They are a (typically) one page document potential employers will quickly screen to see if your skills, 经验, and education align with the requirements and missions of the position and company for which you are applying.  做一个强有力的重组, 遵循以下指南, 填写相关信息, 修改简历以突出你的优势, and use it to propel yourself into the career of your dreams!


There are five primary sections of the résumé.  These are all customizable and should be tailored for each position in which the applicant is interested.

A résumé builder can be a helpful tool if you are starting from scratch. 试试这个: http://www.gotresumebuilder.com


This is the most standard portion of the résumé, as it identifies the person.  This includes: name, address, phone number, and email.  It is placed on the top of the résumé in large, clear writing.  The address should be relevant and where you receive mail (include a PO Box, if necessary).  The phone number should have a professional-sounding voicemail. 例:你好,我是简·多伊.  I cannot come to the phone right now, so please leave a message and I will return your call. 谢谢你!.) The email should be professional (avoid things like sweetbaby99@email.Com或ilovecats@email.Com),并每日检查.







This should be a summarization of the applicant, as a professional.  It highlights skills, accomplishments, and explains why the applicant is the best fit for the job.  This should be no longer than five sentences.  This allows a potential employer to know what is contained in the résumé, and is often the deciding factor of whether or not the résumé should be considered.


  • 使用行动词汇(完成), 促进, 协调, 减少, 训练有素的, 领导, 有经验的, 设计, 管理, 创建, 等.).
  • Use quantifiable amounts (85%, 39 customers, 2000 units of inventory, 等.).

例子: 一个合格的, 有经验的 manager and secretary with extensive Microsoft Office Skills and a typing speed of 51 WPM.  Worked on experiential research in Computer Technologies by creating an online program that enhanced customer satisfaction by 95%.  Public Relation Specialist who 管理 negative feedback by targeting internal issues and getting responses from prior disgrunt领导 customers for an 85% turnover in opinion.


List all degrees, diplomas and certificates earned by name.  Indicate the date (year) earned, name of school, location, and (optional) GPA.  Here, core classes, awards, or special projects may be included.  Degrees/diplomas/certificates in progress, may be included, as well.  If the applicant has more than one degree, they should be listed in reverse chronological order.  If no education has been started or completed, disregard this section.

例子: Communications and Public Relations, ABC University, Schooltown, USA, 2005.

  • 平均绩点:3.78; Focused on: interpersonal communications, 社交技巧和礼仪, 公共关系, and curating a positive work image for affiliates and companies. 

这通常是重组的主要内容, as it not only details previous places of employment, but allows one to highlight how his/her skills are beneficial to a workplace.  列出所担任的职位, 公司名称, the time (in years) spent with the company, and briefly explain the responsibilities while working in the position.  Use action words and quantifiable amounts when describing responsibilities to demonstrate capability.



  • 2020年1月——现在
    • Managed meetings, community projects, and research for interpersonal relationships.
    • Managed a budget of $5,000 for a community outreach and networking project.
    • Organized meetings for teammates and supervisors utilizing MeetHere Software.

Computer Research Assistant, DEF Tech and Associates

  • 2010年1月- 2019年12月
    • 领导计算机开发的研究.  Developed software to enhance consumer relations by generating immediate network feedback.
    • Developed ConsumerRightWay to facilitate a 95% increase in consumer relations.

This portion of the résumé lists accomplishments and extra workshops/training completed that were not mentioned anywhere else in the résumé.  This is the applicant’s opportunity to show notable work and demonstrate why he/she has an edge over other applicants.  This is a fairly flexible section, and may be omitted, if deemed necessary.


Awarded, “Outstanding Public Relations” with the National Association of Public Relations, 2014.

  • Awarded for “Excellent Interpersonal Skills” and “Great Work with Customers and Relations” for development of ConsumerRightway. 

Completed “Consumer Excellence” Workshops Sponsored by the Association of Sales Work, 2017.

  • 完成五节课程, “顾客是对的,《澳博app》,和“修复消费者关系”, I和II.” These focused on improving management skills to increase sales efficiency.