
A job fair is an amazing opportunity to browse through a multitude of companies and organizations to find your dream job!  This event hosts various employers actively seeking potential employees, 将行动直接呈现给你!  This is one of the most effective and quickest methods to get connected with a recruiter, 了解就业机会, 与其他专业人士见面并建立联系, 磨练人际交往能力.

  • Research the companies attending and positions available.
    • 招聘会不是一个简单地“出现”的地方.”  You need to know about the organizations in attendance and what they are looking for in a new hire.
      • 了解公司.  它们的主要功能是什么?  公司的目标是什么?  What type of professional opportunities do they offer?  What type of skills are needed to be successful with the company?  有什么晋升机会吗?
      • A simple online search should assist you in learning about open positions.
  • 为参加招聘会制定一个策略.  Identify the top five companies you hope to connect with 在招聘会上 and tailor your approach for them.
  • 了解如何参加招聘会.  Do you need to register in advance or is it a walk-in event?  This information is often published by the organization hosting the job fair.
  • 点击链接 在这里 拜访计划参加会议的雇主
  • Update your résumé to distribute to your chosen companies.  Match the number of résumés with the organizations that interest you and have extras for any other interesting companies you see.  Remember to use descriptive language in stating your own work and professional experience.  (i.e.管理库存资金, 执行500个项目, 领导并组织了一个30人的团队, 等.)由于招聘会的性质, 对于rsamsumims来说,更一般化一点是可以的, 而不是为每个工作量身定做.
    • 创建职业档案, 除了你的薪水, 向招聘者展示, 如果请求, 在招聘会上.  这可能包括证书, 非官方的成绩单, 凭证, 样品工作, and anything that will demonstrate your abilities as an employee.  记住要礼貌地占用招聘人员的时间.
  • Ensure that the clothes that you will wear to the job fair communicate professionalism, 能力, 和清洁.  提前选好衣服.
    • For men, wearing a dress shirt, coupled with dress pants and shoes, is the bare minimum.  Wearing a tie or a suit strengthens your appearance and makes a stronger impression.
    • For women, hair, makeup, and outfits should be conservative and classy.  A dress skirt/pants, coupled with a blouse and flats or heels, is the bare minimum.  A suit strengthens your appearance and makes a stronger impression.
    • DO NOT wear jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, flip-flops, or other casual attire to a job fair.  This demonstrates an inability to prepare and looks sloppy to a job recruiter.
    • If you are in a program that has a specific dress code (i.e. clinical health care, some line of trade), it is appropriate to wear the uniform to the job fair.  尽管如此,着装必须干净整洁.
  • 招聘会很忙, as t在这里 are hundreds of candidates buzzing about and recruiters are meeting many people in a short period of time.  因此, it is imperative to have a 15 second “sales pitch” that catches their attention and makes you memorable.
    • Your “sales pitch” should quickly summarize your abilities and explain why the company should remember and eventually hire you.  Make sure you have done your research and can speak specifically to the organization!
      • 例子:“你好,我叫简·多伊.  I have worked in Project Management and Software Creation.  I specialize in customer service and created an online platform that increased customer satisfaction by 75%.  I believe that I would excel in XYZ Organization and would love to know more about what you are seeking.”
  • 准备好回答一些问题.
    • “你为什么有兴趣为我们工作??“这就是研究获得回报的地方.  Explain what interests you about the company; this could be anything from your interest in helping the organization meet their goals to you wanting to broaden your horizons in that given specialization.  Do not talk about money; make the conversation work and production-oriented.
    • “你想从工作中得到什么??”  Identify and elaborate upon three key points that make a job stand out to you—such as working with the public, 有一个有条理的目标, receiving the opportunity to advance in the position, 有在家工作的灵活性, 或者有好的证据来加强你的技能.
    • “是什么让你成为一个好的候选人??不要简单地重复你的履历, but expound upon things like critical thinking skills, 能够在不同环境下工作, 解决问题的能力, 冲突管理.
  • 放松,享受这段经历!  If you are prepared, you do not need to be nervous.  Make sure to visit your chosen companies and browse through others that you find interesting.
    • Show your humanity in the process—do not feel that you must behave as a robot to be successful 在招聘会上.  The companies and recruiters want to get to know you as a professional.  如果需要的话,休息一下.
    • 拿起各个桌子上的讲义.  Exchange contact information with the recruiters and express direct interest in working for that company/organization.
  • Ensure that you are comfortable and can project confidence.
    • Eliminate slang, distracting dialects, and profanity.  Speak with proper grammar and use professional language.
  • 问招聘人员不同的问题.  If you want to know something about a position that cannot be found by doing research, 招聘会是提问的好地方.
  • 记住你参观过的公司摊位.  Follow up by sending a brief thank-you note to the recruiter for spending time with you 在招聘会上.
    • Sample thank you: “Thank you for taking the time to speak with me 在招聘会上 at 澳博app.  I enjoyed discussing project management with you and would love to work for XYZ Organization.  I just submitted my application and hope to reconnect with you at some point in the future!”
  • Keep in contact with all companies in case something opens up in the future.  You never know w在这里 your connections may lead you!